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Dadkhah AA, Bagheri M, Treatment of refinery wastewater by a batch twin chamber microbial fuel cell, Manuscript under preparation.
Dadkhah AA, Kazemian Rahman, Effect of nano-silver additive in catolyte on the performance of microbial fuel cells, Manuscript under preparation.
Wettability alteration in gas-condensate carbonate reservoir using anionic fluorinated treatment, Chemical Engineering Research and Design,, 2014.
Goreishi SM, Kamali H, Ghaziaskar SH, Dadkhah AA, Nanoparticles synthesis of tungsten disulfide via AOT-based microemulsions, Materials Research Bulletin, 47, 1438-1441, 2012.
Dadkhah AA, Akgerman A, Hot water extraction with in situ wet oxidation: PAHs Kinetics of PAHs removal from soil, Journal of Hazardous Materials, B137, 518-526, 2006.
Goreishi SM, Meshkat SS, Ghiaci M, Dadkhah AA, Optimization of supercritical extraction of linalyl acetate from Lavender via Box-Behnken design , Chemical Engineering & Technology, 35 (9), 1641-1648, 2012.
Goreishi SM, Bataghva E, Dadkhah AA, Response surface optimization of essential oil and Diosgenin extraction from Tribulus Terrestris via supercritical fluid technology, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 35 (1), 133-141, 2012.
Goreishi SM, Hoseini Dastgerdi Z, Dadkhah AA, Numerical Analysis and Optimization of Oxygen Separation from Air via Pressure Swing Adsorption, Chemical Product and process Modeling, 1, 10-25, 2011
Goreishi SM, Davoodi P, Dadkhah AA, Optimization of supercritical CO2 extraction of Galegine from Galega Officinalis L. via central composite design (Submitted to AIChE J. 2011)
Dadkhah AA, Akgerman A, Hot water extraction with in situ wet oxidation: PAHs removal from soil, Journal of Hazardous Materials, B93, 307-320, 2002.
Karbaschi M, Dadkhah AA, Rashtchian D, Moradi F, Modeling LNG pool spreading and vaporization on water, under preparation
Goreishi SM, Meshkat SS, Dadkhah AA, IF-WS2 nanoparticles size design and synthesis via chemical reduction, Materials Research Bulletin, 45(5), 584-588, 2010.
Jazini MH, Ghoreishi SM, Dadkhah AA, Modeling of Carbochlorination of Zircon in Fluidized Bed Reactor, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 41B, 248-254, Feb. 2010.
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Alatiqi IM, Hamoda MF, Dadkhah AA, Kinetic analysis of thermophilic anaerobic digestion of wastewater sludge, Water Air Soil Poll 107: (1-4) 393-407 Oct. 1998
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Said AS, Tabarak MH, Dadkhah AA, Retention relationships in chromatography-Derivation of a general equation, HRC-J High Res Chrom 12: (5) 342-345 May 1989